You are here: Home1 / Courses2 / Statistics and Bioinformatics3 / Introduction to Machine Learning in R
Course Overview
Machine Learning is an extremely popular topic within the field of Artificial Intelligence. We encounter the results of machine learning algorithms on a daily basis, for example, when we shop online, play mobile games, applying for an insurance or even “driving” a driver-less car.
The aim of the course is to introduce participants to the main components for implementing Machine Learning in R using the {tidymodels} and {tidyverse} framework packages. By the end of the course, students will be able to perform the necessary tasks for machine learning such as defining the problem, prepare and pre-process data, and apply different machine learning algorithms such as Extreme Gradient Boosting, Random Forests etc. In addition, we explore how to fit a model and evaluate its performance as well as measuring the accuracy of model predictions.
This course includes a range of activities such as model building demos, live-coding sessions, interactive quizzes, and practical exercises to work individually or in a group. Active participation and contribution are highly recommended and encouraged.
Places are limited to 15 participants.